Hearts and Bones' training policies

Hearts and Bones Pilates is committed to providing a fair, discrimination-free, and safe workplace for all employees, clients, and visitors.​

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Clothing, contact and other expectations

Wear clothes suitable for working out. The modules include both practical and theory sessions so bring a towel and cover-up clothes or a change of outfit.

What to wear

Wear clothes suitable for working out. The modules include both practical and theory sessions so bring a towel and cover-up clothes or a change of outfit.

Body contact

Our instruction often involves touching a student’s body to correct movement. Please tell the instructor if you aren’t comfortable with this method of instruction, and we can use other cueing methods.

Physical demands of our courses

Aspects of our courses are physically demanding and we assume that you are healthy and injury-free. If your body has some physical limitations, see a medical professional for advice about whether you should do the course. They may also be able to provide specific written recommendations for any modifications or limitations that may be necessary.

Hearts and Bones Pilates accept pregnant women into the courses at their own risk. See a medical professional before applying or registering for the course if you are unsure about the safety of doing advanced Pilates work during your pregnancy.


Please dress appropriately and conduct yourself in a professional manner on training sessions.


  • wear fragrance or perfume
  • bring drinks into the training area, other than water in a closed bottle
  • eat during training sessions, other than at stated meal breaks
  • interrupt the presenter or interfere in any way with the operation of the studio.

Non-discrimination policy

Hearts and Bones Pilates is committed to providing a fair, discrimination-free workplace for all employees, clients and visitors.

The New Zealand Human Rights Act 1993 protects people in New Zealand from discrimination in a number of areas of life. Discrimination occurs when a person is treated unfairly or less favourably than another person in the same or similar circumstances.

Human Rights Act

Contact Human Rights Commission if you need help

​If you think you have been treated unfairly or have been discriminated against because of your age, gender, race, religion or beliefs, disability, or sexual orientation, please contact the Human Rights Commission. 

Human Rights Commission

InfoLine: 0800 496 877 (toll free)

Email: infoline@hrc.co.nz (for general enquiries)

Text: 0210 236 4253

Sexual harassment policy

Hearts and Bones Pilates is committed to providing a safe workplace for all employees, clients, and visitors to prevent sexual harassment occurring.

If an employee, client, or visitor believes they have been subject to sexual harassment or if sexual harassment is believed to have occurred (or if there are concerns about sexual harassment), there are rigorous procedures in place to ensure that any complaint or query is treated confidentially, taken as seriously as possible, and acted on promptly. To see the full harassment policy, please visit our terms and conditions page.

Principles for internal complaints

Our complaint process is designed to be: 

  • Accessible — the complaint process is readily available. Talk to or email the business owner Tania Huddart (heartsandbonespilates@gmail.com).
  • Fair — natural justice requires that the person, against whom an allegation is made, is told of the substance of all allegations against them if a decision is made to formally investigate a matter. Putting an allegation does not necessarily require disclosing the identity of the person raising a concern.
  • Confidential — information about a complaint is only provided to those people who need to know about it.
  • Efficient — the complaint process is conducted without undue delay and dealt with at the lowest appropriate level of intervention. The procedures observe the principles of natural justice.

What we'll do if a complaint is made

Based on the above principles, Hearts and Bones Pilates will ensure:

  • as an employer, we meet our equal obligation to both the complainant and the respondent to uphold their rights and provide support
  • complaints are dealt with impartially, without bias, and in a timely and sensitive manner
  • information about a complaint is only provided to those people who need to know in order for the complaint to be actioned properly
  • the respondent is informed about any allegations made against them and is given the opportunity to respond to those allegations
  • those involved are informed about the process for resolving complaints
  • those involved are protected against any victimisation or reprisals, and employees are assured that no action will be taken against them if they speak up
  • there is a clearly defined review process to ensure the resolution is working satisfactorily and to confirm that no victimisation has resulted from the complaint
  • issues are resolved at the most appropriate level of intervention, subject to the rights of the complainant. 
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Tania's Pilates teacher training is a treasure to anyone seeking greater understanding of the human body and how to make it function better." -
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